I got to wondering -- first, what is a variegate. Then wondering who in Athens, TN knows what a variegate is.
I don't fathom myself as having an extensive vocabulary. In fact, I know I use words incorrectly left and right. But, generally I like to think I've heard of words that are on my food (outside of the monosodium glutimate and such in the ingredients). If you're going to describe a food, use ordinary words.
So I went to dictionary.com and looked up variegate and found this:
variegate Pronunciation Key (vair-ee-i-geyt, vair-i-geyt)I'm confused first because dictionary.com references it as a verb, and it's used as a noun in the description. Then I'm even more confused as to why they didn't say "a peanut butter swirl."
tr.v. variegated, variegating, variegates
1. To change the appearance of, especially by marking with different colors; streak.
2. To give variety to; make varied.
Maybe Mayfield thinks their target audience is much more intelligent than me. I'm pondering on partaking in the purchasing of their products after this post.