Thursday, December 6, 2007

I made another new friend!

Me: Hello?
Bradley: Bark! Bark!
Caller: Who has a dog?
Me: Uh... I do
Caller: Who are you?
Me: Uh... Russ
Caller: Who is Russ?
Me: I'm Russ. Who are you?
Caller: Leanna
Me: I don't know a Leanna
Caller: I don't know a Russ. What kind of dog do you have?
Me: Corgi
Caller: Aaww... I have a Jack Russell
Me: What a coincidence -- you have a Jack Russell, and my name is Russell.
Caller: Heh -- seems I have a wrong number
Me: I see. That is fine. It was nice meeting a new person though!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I made a new friend!

So, some person called "LaydeeStar" txt'd me. I really didn't want to work, so here was the conversation:
LS: I didn't get my kiss
Me: I don't know who you are
LS: U dont
Me: Then why are you complaining about a kiss to me?
LS: Hmmm.. u okay?
Me: As far as I know, I am. Of course, I do not recall knowing anyone with this number... much less kissing them
LS: Wow so u just lft my house this am and u dnt knw who u were layin next 2?
Me: Seriously lady, I have no clue who you is. I'm gay.
LS: Okay.
Me: Good luck finding your Mr. Man's correct number
LS: Im sorry. I realized that i transposed 1 of the numbers
Me: No big deal. I enjoy talking with strangers - at least I didn't leave you hanging and getting irritated at the intended recipient
LS: Lol. Me 2. I appreciate that. I was starting 2 thnk i was goin crazy
Me: We're all crazy here
LS: Glad 2 know im not alone.
Me: I'm just glad you gave a little excitement to my otherwise drull day. I'm now telling everyone "I made a new friend thanks to a wrong number."
LS: Lol. Funny because is aid the exact same thing. Glad i could add sum fun. Its a lil drab in my world 2day 2
Me: Well, txt me anytime you need a pick-me-up
LS: I will do that and u do the same

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Silence is Over... kinda..

A while back, I posted a blog entry about the silence that was coming from my roommate. Well, the silence in the house is over. He's officially moved out. Left the key today.

I'm not going to speak negatively about the experience. It's a lesson learned.

Monday, May 7, 2007


Since April 29, my sister has been plotting revenge against me.

"Why?", you ask?

"Because I gave her a birthday present."

"This has to be some horrible birthday present!", you say?

"Nope. It was a laptop."

"Wow, will you adopt me into your family? You're such a good brother. But, why is she plotting revenge if you gave her a laptop?"

"It took her an hour to unwrap it. It was wrapped in an entire roll of saran wrap and an entire roll of duct tape."

"Ok, that's kinda mean"

But, on this date, she vowed revenge. She even went as far as to telling a few people what she was planning (which hasn't gotten back to me, but I don't care).

Well, we went halfs on Mother's Mother's Day present. She told me to send her a card and she'd give to to mom with the gift. I also needed to send Nan a mousepad, so Wal Mart seemed the place to go. Friday, I went shopping for Mother's Day cards... I'm looking at the cards, and what's on the other side of the aisle? CONFETTI!

I get everything home and am thinking "CRAP! I can't do this 'cuz I don't want confetti all over Nan's mousepad. I can't be that evil to her! It'd take her forever to get the glitter off the pad!" -- then I realize I have quart-sized freezer bags in the cupboard!

I put Nan's mousepad in the freezer bag and into the giant envelope. Signed the cards, put confetti in one of them, and sealed them and placed them in the giant envelope. Then I started pouring the confetti into the envelope... and pouring.. and pouring... and realized that you get a LOT of confetti for 97 cents!

After the giant envelope was sealed, I put packaging tape around the corners so no confetti could leak out. And I brought it to the Post Office. After the standard beginning of the conversation, we had this:
"Are there any dangerous materials in the package?"
"Is confetti a dangerous material?"
*funny look* "Um.. no"
"Ok, no dangerous materials."
"Would you like delivery confirmation on this?"
"Oh, I'll know as SOON as it gets delivered..."
It was sent out and I forgot about it.

12:14 today my phone rings and it's my sister:
"Why do you have to be such a pain in the neck?"
"Not only is it all over my hands, but it's on the floor."
"Oh, you got your package!"

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

More AND Less


I decided to start this blog with something BESIDES "So..."

This morning, I went back to my gay periodontist (a friend of mine asked me how I got a gay periodontist. I told him my lesbian dentist referred me to him, and I was referred to my lesbian dentist from a gay coworker) for my checkup after oral surgery. Anyways, he said things were looking pretty good. He said he was happy to see I was flossing more. I told him "I'm flossing more and less." Confused, he asked "more AND less?" I replied, "Yeah... More than I used to, less than I should."

With things looking good, he has "released me from his care" (even though he wants to see me back in six months). He's also given me a referral to an Oral Surgeon type person who can remove my wisdom teeth. After that, I can get braces (hopefully Invisalign). The only problem is I don't have the money to get my wisdom teeth removed... My guess is it'll cost $1000 without insurance (since Delta Dental has paid my max through the year) -- I'm going to call to see if they suggest I get a second dental plan in the interim to pay for this.

Anyways, I'm all happy my teeth are finally getting better!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


So, I haven't heard much more than two or three words from my roommate since I asked him to move out. Part of me wonders if he thinks his untimely trick is what caused the move-out notice. It really wasn't... I had planned on asking him to move out for a while... and had even told a few friends that it would be this weekend.

I wonder how long it'll take for him to talk to me. I'm not missing his complaining about the stupidity of his classmates, and I've attempted to be polite to him... He's just being stubborn.

I may post more about things later...

Friday, April 13, 2007

I was SO BAD today

So, I went to Doc Green's for lunch today. I got to the checkout and girl behind the counter asked how I was -- I said "I'm highly disturbed!"

"Why?", she asked.

"Because you have a sign right here saying tuesday nights is ladies night and they get 20% off and there's nothing about a guy's night.. THAT'S SEXIST!"

She was talking about something (probably about girls being better or something) and I was like "wait a second... I'm gay... does that mean I get 10% off?"

She laughed and said, "for you, sure! just come see me!"

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

End of Day 4 -- And it's stopped...

So, I made it basically to the end of day four (or the equivent of four 24-hour periods) and have decided to stop.

As mentioned in my previous post, I'm not feeling 100%. My sinuses are clogged and I'm coughing mucus.. and am feeling like my mother sounds (only not as extreme). I went to Lee's Golden Buddha #7 and got some of their House Noodle Soup. Yeah... that stuff's good. I ate it when I was recovering after oral surgery... this time I tried it with "a little spicy" (since it's normally served spicy and I've always had it "no spicy"). It's GOOD (and breaking up my mucus).

So, I don't know if I was getting sick separately or if it's what the diet was supposed to do. I'll know more later and keep everyone posted. Until then, I didn't make it as long as Starvation for Sanjaya, but I'm not trying to get him voted off.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Day 3

So, I'm done with day three. It's not so much that I'm hungry, it's more that I want someothing BESIDES this lemonade.

I'm now extremely congested. Part of me thinks it's the lemonade doing its job. But I'm not flushing the mucus out of my head. Or I'm catching a cold. I'm not sure which. I'll take an assessment tomorrow and see where I go. If I'm still congested, I'll soup the day and will hit back on it when I'm feeling better.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Day 1 is over

So, I finished day one of the Master Cleanser. It wasn't that bad. Particularly better now that I know not to make it with the cayenne pepper. Which reminds me, I need to get some pepper pills to cleanse out my nostrils.

With day two starting, I'm a bit hungry, but right now it's managable. We'll see how I fare tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Don'tcha hate it when you can't remember...?

I'm gonna start this with "PAIN HURTS!"

So, yesterday, I went to the periodontist to get an inflamed area of my gum removed per Hot Lesbian Dentsit's request. (and there went the remaining balance on my insurance for the year)

They gave me some "happy pills" that they said would knock me out. An hour after taking the pills, I was like "I'm nowhere near sleepy" - they said "it won't put you to sleep.. just make you not remember." - I said "Heck with that, I wouldn't mind remembering... I'm now over my fears." -- and apparently I said a few strange things while I was "under" -- like something about taking a pregnancy test again. I remember splotches, and that itself drives me nuts. Remind me not to be put under like that again (except maybe when my wisdom teeth are removed.. but they best put me TOTALLY under for that).

Last night, when I miraculously got home (my roommate picked me up -- I don't remember the trip home, but I do remember going to CVS -- and I vaguely remember getting my blood pressure checked on that machine, but that's it. Apparently we went to Publix -- which I have a LITTLE haze of -- so I could get some pudding). I took a pain pill (It began with M) and it knocked me out SOLID. I woke up in time for Prison Break though. After Prison Break, I had an urge for something "more solid" than pudding, so I went to Lee's Golden Buddha #7. They suggested this noodle soup which was GREAT. And that's when the "Silly Putty Bandages" came out. Then I started feeling some of the stitches and one of them was entirely too long, so I spent a couple mins with scissors in my mouth trying to cut it down an eighth of an inch. THAT was an adventure.

So, now I'm STARVING because anything I can eat I don't want because I want solid foods. But I did go to Publix and got some pasta salad stuff that I mistakenly thought was much closer to room temperature than it is. The inside of my mouth is a little swollen, and I'm here at work without pain killers because they put me to sleep (although, I only get pain when there's any temperature change in my mouth). And I can barely remember what was done to put me in pain.

All in all, after this, once I get my wisdom teeth removed, Extreme Makeover Dental Edition will soon be over because Invisalign will be the last step! I feel great (except these hunger pangs and occasional taste of blood)...

Friday, February 2, 2007

My Water Broke...

or I broke my water... whichever you prefer..

Either way, I gots a plumber on his way over.

I'm gonna try to get more active in posting blogs. It's a little difficult for me to remember. I now have a video camera, so I might do a youtube vlog thing. Not totally sure yet.

What's y'alls opinions?