Monday, August 10, 2009


Admit it. You've all seen it. Those "fashionists" who insist on wearing on wearing women's jeans even though they're male. There's a couple guys on my floor here at The Company that do that.

I have several problems with this, though.

First of all, it looks really wrong. If you're a male and have a woman's thighs and legs, there's too much estrogen in your system.

Secondly, men's hips are positioned differently than women's, and it looks like your pants are about to fall off.

Finally, my biggest issue with it is the lack of cameltoe. You'd think if you had ANYTHING there with the crotch being that tight something would show. But, generally there's NOTHING. Where the hell does it go? I'd DIE if I had my junk tucked away that tight.

1 comment:

Princess Sparkle Pants said...

Man, I love you. You are the only person in the WORLD besides me that looks for cameltoes where they ought to be. Also, bulges, but... I think I digress. Speaking of bulges, did you see Kathy with the wax sculpture??? Gold bikinis are fun.

My word verification is "sodomffu". I think the universe is laughing at me.