So, I had a VERY productive weekend. So productive, in fact, I cannot recall another weekend where I have accomplished so much. So, without any further delays, here's my essay on what I did this past weekend:
My Weekend by SmplyUnprdctbleMy weekend was a very productive weekend. It started Friday night when I
bought a fridge, Washer and Dryer from HH Gregg, then went to Eleven's birthday party at Jocks and Jills. It was quite funny when my really awesome (and hot) boyfriend bought her a birthday shot. Her face was AMAZINGLY HILARIOUS. I ended up finishing the shot for her. I expected lighter fluid, but it was actually pretty good. After the partay, we went to Home Depot to grab a few things for the door job planned for the weekend.
I woke up early on Saturday to go Saturday Sampler (quilting) with Princess Sparklepants. After seeing our February square, we're really excited over the color scheme that was picked out. After the quilting informercial, we went back to my house so she could meet my really awesome (and hot) boyfriend. She didn't follow through with the double-dog dare I provided her with on Friday, but she thinks he's "a total cutie!" :)
Boyfriend and I started cleaning out the garage Saturday while waiting for the delivery folks to bring my appliances. Two trips to the dump later, I had a mostly clean garage. You might even be able to fit two cars in it again! The delivery peeps were late (they claimed I never answered the phone when they redid the route, but that's not the case -- besides, they could have left voicemail). I didn't care, as long as I got my stuff in a timely fashion. Eventually, we started demolishing the door out and (after a few snags), got the new door back in... mostly. There were a couple oddities (bent hinge, unplumb walls, etc), but his ingeniousness got it into place. Starting to get snappy due to hunger, we decided to break for the night and I took him out to dinner at Benihana.
Sunday, we got up early and went out to eat at the Original Pancake House. I had never been there, but it's GOOOOOOD. Definitely worth going again. We returned back to the house and finished up the door. We got it all put together with the exception of the molding on the inside. We also made my garage door no longer the
most unsafe in the neighborhood. We went to eat at a local mexican place (for cheaper than breakfast... and we had adult beverages, even), then went to bed.
I need to get a pic of the awesome job we (ok, Boyfriend) did on the door. I'll post it here at some point after the trim is complete.
Now it's Monday and I'm wanting the weekend to come back. I didn't get a chance to do the one thing I REALLY wanted to do this past weekend. Watch
RENT: FLOBNOB! I guess that's what next weekend is for.